Saturday 11 August 2012

Olympian battle with ovarian cancer

My name is Heather Von St. James. I came across your blog and noticed that you have written about ovarian cancer. I was wondering if you would help me to spread the word about the silent killer.

 The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance did an interview with former Olympic gymnast, Shannon Miller, on her recent battle with ovarian cancer. With the Olympics underway, I think this is the perfect opportunity to shed some light and increase awareness of this disease. I was wondering if you’d be willing to post a link to the interview:
Let me know if you decide to post it! I think we can really shed some light on ovarian cancer with this being so current!  

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I have read this article and it has been such a wonderful inspiration to us. I do not have cancer but this makes me even more aware of my health just like what my cancer alternative treatment center always tells me. Thanks for sharing!
